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Well I don't know about you but I've had a helluva May so far. Emotionally, physically, mentally  exhausting. I was thinking this would be the month I get a vacation but I think it's going to be next month instead. I'm kinda re-evaluating a lot of my professional and personal priorities because I'm feeling mega burnt out on everything but what I'm doing here with all of you 💞 This is a place of solace.

NSFW has always been a big escape for me because it's a space that I can choose to not take so seriously and be a little goofy with. It always feels self indulgent and joyful and I think I've spent a little too much of my time in the past couple years trying to be as busy as possible and I don't think it's served me like I hoped it would. 

Time will tell but I suspect I'll be doing a lot of creative detox as I try to let off steam this summer. I'm curious what that will look like. Thanks for reading these ramblings 😅 I'll be back to Gibson content by next week. ♥ At which point I hope to not be quite so and introspective lol

I hope you're all having a lovely week so far.





Stay safe and take care of yourself first ♥️


Health and life 1st, take it easy! I hope you can take these vacations asap!


Yeah, dude, healing from burnout is so important. I was able to take a week off from work this past week, and while it wasn't enough, I was able to recharge my mental and emotional batteries and THAT'S keeping me sane. You hella deserve a vacation. I hope you get it soon and you can relieve some stress 🔥 Glad this is a safe space for you too. We're here for you. Not going anywhere if you take some time off 😉


That sense of goofiness and joy is what I love so much about your work. I hope you can get some good time in to rest and defrag.


I totally get that <3 I had to leave my last job due to being burnt out and I'm taking stock of my priorities. But what you're doing here makes people happy, and hopefully it makes you happy. Figuring out how to make a living doing what you love is hard, but you've got a good start at it here I think :)


Me too! I think they might be a little bit later than I hoped but still not too far away 😌


Thanks buddy ♥️ glad to hear you've been getting some well deserved time off as well!


Thanks buddy ♥️ glad to hear you've been getting some well deserved time off as well!


Thank you my friend, I'm glad you enjoy that part of it too ♥️ The best part of making work is knowing that other people enjoy it for the same reasons! 😌


Gosh it is SO hard. Especially since priorities can shift so much over time, what worked before suddenly doesn't anymore and you gotta adjust. I admire your courage to quit when it was too much. That's never easy. And most of all thanks for your encouragement and support, Max. I do think I have a good thing here and I don't want to take it for granted! ♥️


May has been rough for sure 😅. I do hope you enjoy the vacation next month and I always look forward to your posts. Do take good care of yourself please


Sorry to hear that it's been tough on you as well, but I appreciate your camaraderie! 😅 Thanks buddy, you take care too!

Molly Skyfire

Dude, you and me both. <3 Much love.


May really is the month of stress 😩 I hope you do get some really well deserved vacation time! Feeling burned out is awful. Not a state I ever wanna return to if I have the choice. I too am excited about what your creative detox will bring out! Side not, glad I'm not the only one who finds creating NSFW content as a space to just make stuff and be goofy. A real mood


Thanks Sebbie!♥️ I'm hoping a lot of good will come from it. I at least try to take times like this as a lesson to learn from, do things differently in the future so that it doesn't happen again! Or at least not for the same reason next time 😅