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Happy Monday, everyone! Like usual, I'm al little late with this, thanks for your patience :) The redbud in my yard is very pretty and in bloom in recent weeks so you get this sentimental springtime picture. On with the report!

This month I wanted to try experimenting with some more consistent color palettes again that I could use for things that are not full on rendered illustrations but still a ways beyond a sketch, and I kinda like the results.

There's always a bit of a frustration for me in the volume of ideas I have for things and the lack of time I have to follow through on them, or maybe just the lack of energy. Having a consistent palette and theme streamlines that and I really enjoyed making these sword and sorcery themed illustrations

It also lets me kinda exercise ideas before I have a chance to draw them in a proper comic format. Maybe the Libby comic will feature a palette like one of these.

I've also enjoyed playing with the Gibson techniques in different contexts for things like these two fanart pinups of Isabelle and Storm. An odd selection, I admit, but it's just how things worked out :)

The unnamed Gibson Girl comic saw some progress-- I added 5 pages this month and did thumbnails for a revision of pages 1-2. The roughs for that I'll probably be tackling this week.

I veerrrrrryy sloppily added text (those speech bubbles are definitely getting another pass) but I really wanted to get it over and done with so I could move onto other more fun things, like adding more pages. These are some of my favorite moments that I can put in this public, sfw patreon post anyways ;)

Finally onto the sketches-- I used the Gibson treatment on Libby:

But mostly I spent my time with really soft brushes doodling random things but still with plenty of Gibson-y lines. Also, for the gold patrons you'll notice there will be a good chunk of mp4 timelapses in this month's dropbox collection, I've been doodling in CSP more and I did all the sword and sorcery drawings in CSP so I have timelapses of those!

As I've gotten closer to wrapping up the Gibson Girl comic I've started wondering what other kinds of things I'll be able to stuff into the comic pdf and the printed one. I started doodling a sort of pinup of Prudence and Eileen and I've included a WIP of that in this month's dropbox download, but I'll probably post it with some other sketches I've been sitting on tomorrow as well :)

Thank you all for the wonderful support and encouragement you've been giving me on this comic this month, it's meant a whole lot because it was a really tiring month for me. I didn't realize how stress had been building up but I'm committed to taking a small outdoor vacation of sorts this month, if only for a few days, just to really thoroughly recharge.

Hope you're having a great start to your month so far!

♥ Winton




Outdoor vacation sounds amazing tbh. Gonna do the same for myself next week! You're doing great though, and I'm always in awe of how much art you are able to do in a month ❤️ Keep kicking ass 💪 Love seeing your work as always.


Genuinely think April was such a productive month for you content-wise. Then again, you’re always updating us with sketches, whole-assed pieces, and just *chef’s kiss* quality content all around. You deserve that vacation!


Thank you Sebbie! I think April represents a break in my normal work schedule that coincided with a desperate need to do something other than what I've been doing so much of lately. It was well timed in a way that makes me think I should try to figure out how to create opportunities for more months like that. It would be good for my mental health lol