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Everyone knows I'm fond of limited color and that affection is only stronger the longer I spend in the realm of black and white for the Gibson project.

I started thinking it might be nice to break up the comic projects with smaller sort of vignette based "zines" of things. Creatively it's important for me to grow my storytelling/writing this year but I want to have more ways to do it than just punishing myself with writing dialog, which is what I find most difficult.

Maybe with a vignette based approach like this I can stretch some narrative muscles without it feeling quite so hard. I feel that brute force trying to tackle a difficult problem is bound to lead to a lot of frustration and discouragement, so I'm more likely to actually make things I'm proud of if I frame the challenge in a more approachable way.

Thank you all for your generous support and I hope you have a great weekend! I'm going to be posting a couple new pages of the Gibson girl story tomorrow!

♥ Winton




Beautiful! Your handling of this theme is perfect, can't wait to see more!


Ah, these are so cool!


Thanks buddy! I know it's a little more cutesy 70s stylings than really makes sense for something Conan/Frazetta inspired, but I think I always end up injecting a bit more femininity into the typically masculine genre art just because it feels like a good way to give it a refresh.

Kaiser Williams

Oh, I would love to see you do a longer Sword and Sorcery story that's just a collection of short texts with a description.


I really hope we eventually get a full blown comic, but even these vignettes are great. Funny story I actually bought a collection of the Conan books because of these pieces


I think I'll always keep coming back to comic like things, but I would really like to have a way to fill the gaps of time when I feel like I need to recharge after a comic. I know they're all just pictures on pages but my brain seems to think comics are WAY DIFFERENT. 😂 I'm so glad, I think you're in for a treat! Be on the look out for The Tower of the Elephant-- that's one of R.E. Howard's best in my opinion. :) I just like his conception of magic a lot. Be prepared to ignore a lot of casual racism and misogyny tho😑 You know...because1930s.


I can imagine myself turning the pages and seeing these pieces in a zine just before the next story 💕