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Happy April, everyone and welcome to the First Quarter Smut Art Progress Report, please find your seats. You'll find the prospectus on the table in front of you. (I don't know if you all enjoy this doofy pseudo-corporate mumbo jumbo as amusing as I do, but I'm wearing a suit, and have a line graph here so let's continue.

Gibson Girls as a comic concept has proven to be not at all easy and simple as I hoped, which has led me to one conclusion: My opinions are not to be trusted. 😂

I think one thing with which i struggle the most continuously is judging my work and project scope. I could draw 8 comic pages that take 30 minutes each in one single day, but if those pages take, let's say 2 hours, then the comic will probably take 4 weeks. 🙄 The math doesn't add up, right?

Complexity not only adds more labor, but as soon as something takes more than one sitting to complete, the next time you return to it, the weather is different, your mood is different, maybe you're feeling discouraged or insecure, and suddenly the simple task has an infinite number of weak points at which it can be derailed and progress slowed.

I'm changing my work schedule this quarter so I am taking less freelance work so I can focus my attention more consistently on this work and thus make it more efficiently. The Gibson comic really shouldn't be taking this long and it's just because March had so many distractions that it's gone this way. 

I'm pretty analytical about my process and I know that with a liiiittle bit more structure in how I approach this, it would go significantly smoother. I only got through 3 pages in March, I think I let myself get a little too distracted by other things.

This month I solicited some suggestions for fanart that would be fun to try in the Gibson style and I went with a very sfw Adora drawing to start with. I've learned a lot from the challenge of drawing different material types with nothing but lines!

I also did some unsolicited princess Daisy fanart with a bit of lithograph/aquatint kinda color on it. Colored prints from the turn of the 20th century are very dainty and cute.

As much as I enjoy the Gibson style I still want to use color in my work and also just can't keep away from this soft, bleedy brush I'm using a lot in Photoshop right now. And halftone. Always halftone.

That theme is basically what this month's sketches were all about, indulging in non-Gibsony things with non-Gibsony brushes.

Things got kinda stylized more often and even turned a little manga style at some points. I started watching more anime again this month and I think that had something to do with it!

Working on the Gibsony project has made me hyper aware of lines and just what you can do with them in a drawings in a way that I don't think I was before. I think I'm going to keep using hatching in my work more frequently even when I'm done with it, I really am enjoying the texture.

I'm still addicted to the ochre-y background color for sketching and drawing on and used it for  more than a couple of my sketchbook pages and pinup drawings from this month.

I am still really into thinking about Conan-esque witches and things. In a way I think it feeds into the Gibson look, all those flowy garments are a lot of fun.

Another example of me watching more anime this month--adding this roasted newt from Spirited Away into the background of one of my witchy drawings. :)

The last notable thing about this month is doing more tutorial-ish content. It seems like a natural fit since the Gibson project is so hyper focused on a particular set of creative problems. I think I'll continue as I work on it and make more very micro-tutorials. They're easier to complete in one sitting.

All in all, I've had worse output in terms of past months, but I really want more consistent progress on the comics above all else. They get more difficult the longer I spend on them because then I have to contend with my attention span. 😔

This months goal is going to be about scheduling. Which doesn't sound sexy, but I'm sure will have sexy results 😎

Thank you all for reading all this and I hope you enjoyed the progress this month! Thank you for your continued support! ♥




your artistic and analytic approach to making smut is really wonderful. if sexy pictures weren't an art form before, you're on your way to make it so!!


I hope that the analytical aspect doesn't take the fun out of it! 😂 I subscribe to the idea of being rigorous in some aspects of life so you can be reckless and carefree in others :)


this is an amazing Q1 report. always love getting the process insights


...I appreciate the notion of working toward sexy results; your work is amazing and it'll be cool to see how it grows and evolves with your shifts in scheduling


Hi Winton! Really thrilled to be a patron of yours. I also wanted to let you know that I found your artwork through a Joker/Makoto (persona 5) piece that you did that is my all time favorite smut image. I lost access to it a long time ago, so I'd love it if it were something you could make available to patrons (or let me know how to find it)!! Love, as always.


Hi Amanda, thank you so much for joining!! Happy to help on that front and thank you for bringing it up! I realize I didn't have that on my website because it was actually a commission and I forgot about it! Now it's up in the gallery under the "2019" section :) Thank you! https://www.wintonkidd.com/gallery


Thank you John! ♥♥♥♥ I hope it works out for the better, and quickly too!

Molly Skyfire

We ate well this month!! With how much you're enjoying tones, I hope you get a chance to play around with Clip Studio Paint more soon. The ability to generate and modify tones on the fly, and then change their color non-desctructively, could open up some really fun possibilities for alternate color schemes, testing out tones with different DPI or densities, or even using prefab effect or texture screentones here and there. Of course, you're already up to your eyeballs in things to do, so perhaps I shouldn't get you excited 😅


There's a lot in clip I definitely haven't explored yet. I was thinking it would be nice to do a short comic in it to feel out how the tools for pages work. I haven't messed around with the screen tones at all! 😱

Molly Skyfire

I'd be happy to show you around, so to speak, if you like! I've been using the multi-page format for monthly "sketchbooks" in addition to comic projects, and I'm pretty familiar with the tones too. Erotibot showed me some amazing tech there I think you'd go gaga for. You know where to find me, lol, hmu. <3


I might have to take you up on that :) any promise of cool, secret techniques will get good👀👀👀 thanks buddy!