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Happy Saturday everyone! Just a brief update here so I can share more WIP inks!

I still feel like I'm finicking with the words still but I'm going to have to commit to adding them in eventually, bear with. :) I'm pretty darn sure that the line here at the bottom of the page or at the beginning of the next is something like "...and now for the inseam thigh measurement." 😏 Shout out to the ASMR fans in here, this one is for you 😂

I've been feeling disatisfied and stuck with drawing Prudence's hair. I wanted it to look more tame and orderly but I'm feeling like it's lacking personality and feels to pompadour-ish so I think I'll play with adding some little curly Q's and see if I like 'em for a while. 

I think part of character design is playing into what feels natural for your hand to draw in a repetitive fashion and I've learned it's easier to draw on model consistently if you make a design that aligns with the sorts of drawing choices you make naturally. Right now Prudence's hair is feeling a little too rigid and cumbersome, but I might just not have found the most important lines in its structure yet.

I definitely owe Gold patron a big pile of sketches and doodles I've been accidentally hoarding so I should be making a post of those later this weekend!






Absolutely amazing, you're really popping off with this one, it's going to be so good!


This is so good


Aaah, this is already so promising! I'm looking forward to seeing more of them &lt;3


Thank you Fuya! I'm excited for the next few pages, I've got a lot of drapery ahead of me. 😂


These shots make me realize that I will forever be enamores by the way you draw your characters expressions. Like, regardless of the style your using and whether it’s a rough sketch or a finished work, your characters are also so wonderfully expressive. ✨