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I think these are the ladies I settled on. Eileen O'Malley, tall, freckled and eager, a little bit more  

Prudence Taylor, the tailor (I'm kinda into these cheeky names right now, I guess), a little more put together, mature, and the absolute object of Eileen's affection. 

I think drawing character sheets are a little bit folly for me because I'm very bad about staying on model. Especially with this project I'm hoping to keep things a little bit loose because that seems in the spirit of Gibson drawings to flitter between absolute refined detail and really simple gestures.

One thing I'm hoping that will help keep things under control is basically giving myself two brushes I can switch between. I know if I can constantly resize  my pen, the line quality will be all over the place, so I've set aside these two brushes (third image) that I'll switch between. I don't want to abuse my wrist with tons of lines, so I may end up using a bit more flat fills in this where it makes sense to do so.

That's partially why I've designed the characters the way I have. I want Eileen to be generally brighter, whiter on the page than Prudence, who's dressed a bit more dark and severely just so that when they overlap and tangle I'll be able to use one to silhouette the other.

In the past I have always struggled with pre-planning too extensively because I feel like it just derails the project and adds pressure to the process of making the final thing. Having a bit of reckless abandon, jumping in and making things up as I go has worked out well for the most part. Sometimes I have to go back and correct things that are especially egregious continuity errors but I am going to try to embrace expressiveness rather than accuracy with this project.

Now onto drawing pages! I hope you enjoy seeing things develop this month!

<3 Winton




Loving these.


I may be in love haha! These are looking fantastic Winton! The style of line works so well for the theme, it's on point! These artworks with the robes falling down..


Hehe I realize I kinda just did the same thing twice after the fact but they were fun to draw :)


I’m in love with your process! like choosing the brush and what they can represent for each character, that’s amazing!


I am absolutely in love with Eileen.


Thank you Viviane! I am a liiiiittle prone to over thinking things but I'm glad people like you appreciate the extra effort! ♥️


Prudence showing off her boob is also very nice to see, I just realised I forgot that in my first comment 🤣 Idk what it is about Eileen, but she pushes all the buttons I need to like a fictional character's visuals on first sight 😊


I love these! :D You're not wrong about killing your wrist with too many lines, I recently tried to do a victorian etching inspired piece, and while it still has the vibe I wanted to go for, I absolutely had to cheat the hatching to save myself ^__^;;


Gosh were you doing this in traditional or digital media?? I've considered maybe making swatches of hatching marks I can reuse for things like backgrounds and places nobody would notice but sometimes when I try that I end up feeling frustrated by the repetition in the marks 😩 I'm far too picky about little things like this


Have you read any of the webcomic Miss Abbot &amp; the Doctor? I find that overstarched and buttoned up civility to be a great place to add tension and energy. I’m looking forward to this series!


So I just looked it up and it seems silly that I haven't already! Might have to look into that! You' re spot on about the tone, though, it's sooo effective at building tension. I don't know if you've seen Emma, but it's one of my favorite films of the past few years. Might as well be Sexual Frustration: The Movie. 😂 And it's gorgeous. And the soundtrack is amazing.


Digital thankfully, tho every now and then I attempt pointilism with traditional and *immediately* experience regret. I ended up tiling a hatching texture for big solid elements, and trying to offset the repetition with hand drawn hatching and solid blocks of colour to help fill it out. Not remotely accurate, but it caught the mood I wanted at least. https://twitter.com/morganaliART/status/1476704660983533573?s=20&amp;t=TAhuxbnmiPR1RgaHn5zlUw


Oh yes I see exactly what you mean, adding the color fills helps lend some structure and atmosphere so you don't have to everything with the hatching itself! That's one thing I think I'll be missing in this comic, if I try to go full authentic I won't be able to have those glistening bright moments that come from drawing with a toned background. I might have to fake it juuuust a little in some places to get that effect because I've come to rely on it. 🤷🏻‍♂️


It's definitely the difference between taking hours vs days on one image for sure. I think it's okay to fake it - accuracy is all for naught if you're not getting the feeling you want to achieve :)

Cardo Vohl

Oh man, Eileen is just Dripping in charisma and charm. Nailed that one!


Thanks Cardo!! It makes me think I need to keep working on Prudence to make her be able to hold her own against Eileen 😂