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At long last. I've got these. A set of 18, which is a little longer than I was hoping so I think I might yet rework the first 4 and try to condense them down to at least 2.

I promise I'll have more to show for this soon--the real tedious hard part is over I think. 

It might not look like it but these 18 boxes of scribbles are like 4 hours of work 😓 But either you figure it out at this scale, or you figure it out on the bigger page, and that takes a LOT more time.

Art Talk:

I'm debating what's the most useful way to talk about this process to someone on the outside. Writing a story to me feels like trying to keep building and sufficiently build tensions so that the inevitable snap or unravel of those tensions in sexual release feels gratifying, or at least to me anyways :)

I'm sure there are a lot of objective standards of good storytelling with conventions of the craft but I feel like I learn the most by simply trying to create the feeling that's satisfying to me, and that has a lot to do with tone, rhythm and atmosphere. Most of the time I can't even articulate what that is, but I just keep trying to tease it into shape until it feels right.

I'm much more adept at explaining composition than I am in explaining narrative, so when doing these layouts my mind is mostly on finding elegant ways for figures to interact, fit into panels and switch places so that it's not so monotonous having character A on the right and character B on the left for the entirety of the comic. 

I feel like it creates a kinda spiraling, tumbling sense when they switch sides of the compositions so that is something I'm really aware of as I compose. This time will be a little unique because it's going to be all in black and white, so I'll probably be looking for ways to celebrate how Gibson makes his girls' skin positively luminous in dark Edwardian drawing rooms.

I've decided on two characters, a younger 'protagonist' character--the red head (for a black and white comic, lol) I've done some sketches of-- and a slightly more mature Seamstress/tailor whose affections she's crazy for and decides to take a bold leap and hope that that she reciprocates. 

I had the idea to play off the trope that i think shows up in a lot of hentai and erotic media, having sex while on the phone and I loved the image of a pale, freckled girl clutching a 1905 telephone to her chest, explaining to her Aunt why she won't be home this evening while she is sitting on her lover's face. 

Sometimes I think a single image like that is all it takes for me to want to make a whole comic around it 😂

Hope this wasn't too much text. Happy Wednesday!






Yep yep yep, it's going to be amazing, I know it already :D Seems like a great premise already, love the dynamic!


Hi! i'm a new comer into ur artwork world. still can't believed that I miss an amazing artist like you. Love ur art style so much.


Ahhh thank you for becoming a patron! ❤️❤️ I hope you enjoy seeing this new work progress!