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Happy Tuesday! So of course the Morticia recommendation isn't quite as seasonal as it once was, but a little red goes a long way in making something festive. Perhaps thisn't a little red.

There's not a lot in common here with the photo study I did the other day of the anime figure, but I did borrow the wonderful sense of lightness that you can get from really restricting the value range in a figure. I think having a bit of light and shadow extremely carefully placed (the sliiiight gradation down to the pubis for example) go a long way to creating volume in select places and kinda fool your eye into thinking the flat tone you see everywhere else is just very soft, even ambient light.

As I say that I realize that I completely undermined that illusion by having a harsh cast shadow against the chair itself, which goes to show how goofy and inconsistent visual languages can be and avoid totally falling apart. The Picture plane is a lawless place 🤠





That's so nice! Love it!


There's no wrong time for Morticia! Love this!

Gardner Underhill

It makes me wonder just how friendly she is with Thing?