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In spite of all the false starts and struggles this month, I feel like I've regained some kinda footing creatively. Working in a limited palette has been really really helpful, I've been a lot more self indulgent in what I'm drawing and I think that always helps a little. Less second guessing, more drawing.

Here's the recap:

The main pinup of the month-- Catra x Adora. I went a little more simple and retro with the treatment on this one and it was kind of a big relief. Just drawing something as fast as I can think it without the fuss of so much rendering.

We spent some time at the office this month. :) I don't know exactly what inspired these, but I've been finding it helpful to try to imagine a particular type of person when I'm drawing, essentially have a character in mind-- and it's been a lot more exciting than just using my go-to miscellaneous characters.

It was fun to do some animation this month! Very simple, but again, just trying to strike at  mood while I had it in mind, I liked the result and I'm going to try to finish the other one I started this month!

Lots of sketches this month, Catra x Adora doodles and other little style explorations too!

Compared to how stuck and frustrated October was, even if  I don't have a major project currently, I am feeling a lot better about what I'm drawing, and finding new and interesting directions to feed into the next project.

Thank you all for the support over the past month and I hope you all have had a great start to your holidays!





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