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Some little drawings for you this Monday! I'm (predictably) doing the thing I said I wouldn't do and expanding the palette I was working with. I have to try to keep myself on suuuuch a short leash with this sorta thing or else I'm guaranteed to complicate things and make it more difficult. 

Sometimes I can compromise with myself  and give myself at least an option between two palettes and it's enough to fool my over-ambitious brain into thinking that it has enough options. I think in a lot of maintaining a balance in my creative work is constantly setting up these hedges for myself.

I am most productive when I'm restricted, but restrictions make me long for freedom, so the best solution I have to satisfy both is to make commitments to myself on how long I have to work with the restrictions. If I believe that I only have to suffer a limited palette for 2-3 weeks, then I'll chill out and work happily.

Maybe you all play similar games with your brains, or maybe this seems like I'm absurdly neurotic, haha! Whatever the case may be I think what helps you be creative with the least fuss and muss is the best way to go.

Winton <3




These are just wonderful!


Loving all the cozy vibes!