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Oh boy oh boy more progress! Here's a bundle of more rough pages. I've got two more planned but I'm going to switch focus to cleaning these up before I get to those! 

I fussed and fussed an fussed with the last page here-- I love drawing climax pages because of how fun it is to try to get characters to pantomime pleasure.  Sometimes if you curl or uncurl a foot a gesture goes from quivering to flailing. 

In the process of drawing these pages I've come to feel that a lot of what describes a sense of continuity of movement or trying to build a sense of anticipation before a climax is making these characters push and pull against each other, arching and twisting spines. 

There's something similar you do in animation where in order to build anticipation for a movement  and create a more visceral snap feeling to a motion, you have the character do the reverse action for a frame or two before then following through with the motion.

I like to think that I get a little better with every comic I do, which I can't necessarily prove, but I can definitely say that my awareness expands a little bit with each one.  I'm aware of what worked last time and how I can maybe carry it a little bit further with each new effort. Which works well for me because I still have to budget my time when working on these so I still have time to cook and eat and sleep and exercise and be a good partner or friend.

That's a lot of rambling so I'll leave it there. I hope you're all having a great week so far!

Happy Thursday everyone!!

<3 Winton



Metal Gear Ray

Oh man the action continues👀❗


Yeah this one just keeps going?! I went too far 😬