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This isn't the drawing I intended to make, since I really do want to draw a Satomobile, but I wanted to do something in one sitting today and this is what came out! My first version involved a roadster but I think it kinda just complicated the image too much! What you think? 

Also, I keep messing with different levels of texture and post processing so the third image is super vintaged up. Sometimes I worry it gets too grainy and I'd love some feedback on that too. What's your favorite liook?

I think I'll be doing a quickie Red from Transistor pinup next :)

Thank you all for the support and carrying me through to the successful launch of Poppy & Oak! I added one new last minute page to set up the story more thoroughly. Check it out if you haven't yet! 





Love this WK! But I’m also a littttle biased since they’re one of my fav ships :) I personally dig the texture! Think it fits perfectly. Thanks for sharing!


Very nice :o


Nice to see the baes getting love. 😩👌❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


All I got to say is a very happy birthday to me. I enjoy seeing Korrasami in your style, it looks beautiful! And, personally, I love the textures as well as the bg detail of the car.


Whoa, this is gorgeous


What I'd give for a comic of these two!


I love all of these... and honestly I think the hot rod adds to it. Maybe if it wasn't such a harsh contrast it wouldn't compete with the characters as much? I see what you're saying, but I like the scene it sets and it adds to the old school pinup vibe.👌🏽


Yeah the contrast is definitely the main challenge of it. I think it will be better suited as a different composition that shows more of the car off, ultimately. :)


This came out so damn well! I love the textures, and expressions!


Thank you Sparrow! I've been having a lot of fun jumping around between these different pinups!


Love her sitting on the car. Really, I don't think any of us would be here if we weren't in love with vintage! lolol