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Update: Looks like Ivy and Pine are our lucky two. Although Holly is just two votes short...I will think on this and see if I can't creatively accommodate them both. :) Thank you all for voting!


The poll is so close!!! I'm going to give it until midnight Saturday to call it so I can keep working on other stuff in the meantime tho!
Also, thanks for all the fabulous suggestions, I'm going to get them all collected into a poll but I think I might have to end up just drawing a bunch of them for fun ;)

They're all a lot of fun and I'm going to put them together to kinda sort out of a priority list!

Once again, I call upon you for help in choosing characters for the next comic! <3 Thanks for doing the hard work for me :)

Oops I forgot to include this--- Comment below with pinup and fanart suggestions!
Comics always take a little while for me to get up and running on and it would be a real nice change of pace to just draw one off images while I figure out a story!




If you’re looking for characters to make fanart/pinups of, I recommend the hellion or the musketeer from the Darkest Dungeon video game!

Wesley Hoey

Hi Winton, absolutely LOVED the last comic and I can't wait to see what's next. Since you're taking suggestions, I would love to see something with Bronwyn from Adventure Time Distant Lands. Or maybe more Marceline. Keep up the amazing work!


The last comic was so good and your art gave me so much gender euphoria! And as for fanart/pinups maybe one of Red from Transistor?


My pinup suggestion is Kate Kane/Batwoman. She doesn't get as much love as she deserves but she's gorgeous and striking with her black and red color scheme. 😍


I'm so glad the Dryads are taking it on themselves to recruit such understanding folks for the Parks Service. I can't wait to see how the next drive goes! As for suggestions, I would love to see a Korra/Asami pinup in your style. I could definitely see Asami convincing Korra to do a pinup photoshoot to promote a new line of Satomobiles.


Loving all your work! Since you seem a fan of redheads, why not Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn?


If you like the color blue you could do Liara from Mass Effect? But if you're feeling less fanart and more pinup you could do a lady in armor, but like half armor ;)

Molly Skyfire

Alright, given your penchant for old-school looking art - how about Jesse from Control in a 50s government flyer looking illustration? The kind of thing that warns you about nuclear fallout or whatever, but with some kind of paranormal spin.


consider Jem, Lady Jaye, or Big Barda


i love birch's whole design, LOVE the unicorn thing, but pine's haircut.....................................am weak


Maybe you should do 2 girls &amp; one dryad in a comic or else you're going to run out of the dryads.


C'mon, where's the love for my girl Aster?


I know you’re probably sick of Zelda at this point but I’ve really wanted to see Princess Zelda x Sidon since you put them on that old poll you did


For fanart, I'd love to see Red from Transistor. The game has a lovely art deco style, and so does her character art.




I've drawn Zelda a lot because I...enjoy drawing Zelda haha, so not sick of it-- just well practiced. I like to at least stretch my legs in between Zelda projects :)


It's definitely starting to look that way! Maybe I won't make a comic with every hiker, but I could certainly have some repeats as well...good thoughts, thanks for bringing it up!


Never would have thought of Darkest Dungeon but I DO love the musketeer design, thank you for the suggestion!


Waaah thank you for the compliment I'm so glad! Red's shown up a lot in suggestions from folks and I love me some art deco, I'm thinking that's gotta happen. :)


I haven't played Control but man you're pressing my aesthetic buttons with this idea :)

Molly Skyfire

I enthusiastically recommend it. Equal parts X-Files, Twin Peaks, and SCP with fantastic combat, a compelling story, and awesome characters. And so much clever design - both visual and architectural. Seriously, it's a joy to play and a joy to ogle. Regardless, I think you'd have fun with the retro flyer look, and fans of the game and the character would deeply enjoy it.