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Good Evening Patrons! I hope you all had as good of a January as could be had. Thank you for braving the winter months with me. I hope that Poppy & Oak has been an entertaining diversion for y'all. 

So this month we pretty much saw Poppy and Oak get totally wrapped up. I did more drawing on my ipad so Gold patrons can expect to see some fun timelapse tidbits in the dropbox link I'll be posting. 

I have had a great time working on this comic and I really loved playing with a larger expanded palette, but I think I want to dial that back for the next one and try something simpler. Are you all up for another choose your own hiker/dryad adventure?

I'd like to also fit in a fanart pinup poll this month since I've been eager to throw some digital paint around. -- Gold patrons, again, you'll see some of my...abandoned attempts in the dropbox link. ;)

Thank you all for the support! You've really made this possible and I love the interaction I get from all of you. I feel like I'm still kinda figuring out how I like to structure my posts throughout the month, I hope it doesn't feel too sporadic, sometimes my day job stuff really capitalizes on my time.

Last thing: I've been taking to printing out comics on my inkjet printer as a way of gauging the pacing and stuff as I work on them. Would you be interested in physical printed comics? I'm thinking of trying a Winton Kidd's Cheap Inkjet Print Smut Book Club as a way to gauge interest, figure out a price that works for the materials and fund buying a bigger, nicer laserjet that would really improve the print quality I can put out. More on that later, I'll share some photos of what I've been able to print thusfar to get your feedback!

Thank you again! Dropbox links are going up soon. Also I'm going to make a post with an expiring dropbox link so patrons that join like tomorrow won't miss out on the rewards. I always feel bad for people that miss the DM by a day or two and this will help people get more out of their first month as a patron.

<3 Wint.




Very excited for more Hiker/Dryad pieces! This past month's was so delightful! And printed comics would definitely be cool. I'd love to add that Urbosa/Zelda piece to my collection!


I'm up for any and all projects you have, digital and physical!


&lt;3 &lt;3 Thanks Amanda! I have done a test print of Little Bird's Bath and I really like how it feels, I think the color translates real well in CMYK!


I'm excited about what the next month could bring! I love physical comics and artbooks, would definitely be on boat!


everything you just said is really exciting! =p And I always prefer to have physical copies of art that I really enjoy so I'm super excited for that. Love to see a "cheap inkjet" sketchbook from you along the same lines too. 0_o (=


I would love to see another Hiker + Dryad!


Thanks Durty!! I'll be messing around with it to see what works best. For right now I have some cardboard mailers that I've never used that I thought I'd start with and use it to determine the size of the prints!


I would love physical copies of your comics!!


printed comics would be a fun addition to my library! prints would also be really nice, but anything is so awesome!