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I think you fine folks might just be seeing the ugly part of my process for the next week or so where I'm trying to just draw in circles until I stumble upon the unifying idea that makes all this stuff make sense to me and fall into place.

It happens on every project and the solution usually comes from trying to simplify and find a aesthetic benchmark to stick to. Right now I'm a little all over the place on this and I apologize for the false start, but it just happens sometimes. 

It's that moment when I realized that Bilibin/Dulac would be a great aesthetic to layer over Zelda and Urbosa and also a great restriction of alternate compositions page to page from 1 to 3 panels. 

Right now I just keep staring at Smokey the Bear and wonder what I can take away from it and apply to smut. Thank you for your patience as I go through this frustrating stage in the project. I think I may just make a short, sloppy comic just to explore one corner of this creative problem over the next couple of days.

Thank you all for supporting my work even when the output is kinda stop and go. October has been a way more difficult month than expected for me.




Metal Gear Ray

At the end of the day your art is worth it.

Molly Skyfire

Hmmmmmm...Just pitching ideas to help, feel free to disregard, but what if you married this limited palette with old school travel posters in terms of composition and gimmick? Maybe some good idea-fodder can be found with Anderson Design Group (a company I've worked for before), they do a lot of stuff in that kind of Rockwell style. Good compositions and type treatments. IDK, just trying to help get your creative mojo going! https://www.andersondesigngroupstore.com/a/collections/61-american-national-parks


I appreciate the suggestion! I definitely have some old WPA national park posters in my reference folder. Those palettes I think will definitely need to be an influecne on the final product :)