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Thank you all for your incredible support over the past month! 

Now that Mile Hylian Club is complete, it's time to move onto the next hiker comic, but before that happens I need to take a liiiiiittle breather so I'm going to get my shit together in September and clean out some freelance work so I can come back with a bang in October! (Hopefully I get to take a vacation this month so I have extra inspiration for the Hiker comic :>)

I may make some content posts throughout the month as I get organized but mostly I hope to do some housekeeping around the patreon and update a lot of stuff that needs updating!

Many of you have asked about past comics, and that's one of the main ones, I plan to get those updated so all my comics are readable on here.

I'll be posting a dropbox link to the $5 patrons sometime tomorrow so check your DM's!

I hope you all don't mind the delay in getting the next comic going too much, it's been a long summer and I learned this past week that I could really use a break! As a bonus, taking a break always makes my work better. :)

Thank you all so much for the support and I'll catch up with you soon! 

<3 Wint




Enjoy your R&amp;R!!


Enjoy your time off, be good to yourself!


Hope you have a good break! You've been making tons of good stuff lately, you deserve it. :)


Enjoy your time off! We’ll be here when you get back. ✌🏻


Thank you Futo! I think this time of year I always start to run out of steam and need a recharge. Funny how this stuff is cyclical sometimes!

Christopher French

Take a break! You've earned it. I look forward to seeing what you come swinging in with next month.