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08/20/20 - Cover art update. Not quite sure on this yet, but I don't often share WIP updates, so here it is!

Making comics is tricky, on the one hand you want them to be big fancy and beautiful, and on the other hand you want them to just get finished. So I'm always looking for ways to cheat and make my effort go a little further. I thought maybe I could share this progress plus some art talk as well!

Covers kinda have to sum up the story but also be the face of the product and I'm always torn about whether to make the cover totally different from the content or not. I've decided on a happy medium this time. I'm going to make a page that could conceivably fit between 9/10 that has Paya turning reverse cowgirl.

I'll add a couple of transitional panels above and below the action to show her switching and color it up like a normal page, then I'll just take the two figures and polish it up a little extra, maybe add her top flapping conveniently in the breeze to make a fun alternate version that will double as a SFW cover.

The other challenge I always face is making a cover tall like the comic, but also work as a sfw square image so it's gumroad preview friendly.

I'm going to make the title, currently "Mile Hylian Club", look like the quest complete dialog from the game, just for fun :) I was thinking about using "Flown the Coop" because it's the actual quest name from the game, but Mile Hylian Club is just too cheeky and silly to not use it.
Thanks all for your support, I'll maybe have a couple more updates on this cover as I progress!

<3 Wint




I really love Mile Hylian Club as the name

Christopher French

A great name... I can't wait for the finished product!

Metal Gear Ray

The name is really good! As well so is the cover! I like the glossy tone you went here