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What a month! Thanks so much for supporting my work this month as I finally wrapped up this comic!  Can't wait to get started on new things in July! Also, special thanks Christopher French for the title suggestion ;) I trie dto make it as 'art-nouveau-y' as possible. Typography always takes me fooooreverrr. Not sure if it's perfect, but it's done. 
I'll update the comic thread to reflect to include the cover art-- dropbox rewards will be going out in the next few days and then it's ONWARD AND UPWARD!
Thank you all for making this patreon so fun to run, I had a great time drawing this comic! :)




Allow me to provide my nuanced commentary: Urbosa big. 👀

Christopher French

Ahh! The cover was worth the wait! Thank you so much for taking my comic suggestion, and the title suggestion, and for the Patrons voting on it! It truly has become magical to behold. I'm excited to see it all together in one place!


Yes! It kinda felt like a perfect storm! I loved working on it, but I'm also so ready to try something new for a little bit lol


No, thank you!!


Woow, them arms..Beautiful as usual! I just can't not hear the gerudo city night theme when I see this, perfect :D

Metal Gear Ray

The cover art is out of this world beautiful! Thank you for taking the time and effort on making this super fun comic winton! It was a blast!!! Can't wait what you cook up next!😃


😍😍 Stronk big lady


men, i wish i could put this in my wall, its just beautiful