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WIPI fear I might be a little late on getting this one colored, we'll see how fast of progress I can make on it tonight but I might end up sharing it tomorrow along with an extended process post.

Thank you all for enabling my flower passion. <3




Christopher French

It's OK if it spills into next month. Next month is Pride month and AerTi is a supremely popular gay ship right now. Color all these beautiful flowers!

Metal Gear Ray

Tifa and aerith best ship you can put! Like always winton beautiful work on the art even in sketch it's wonderful!

Metal Gear Ray

I gotta ask are you accepting comms at the moment?


Technically yes, but I've got a backlog right now so it'll be a little bit. But if you email me I'll happily put you in the queue~ wantonwinton@gmail.com

Molly Skyfire

But seriously I am all about this my dude. Fantastic gestures, gorgeous supple linework as always, and a lovely environment. Keep it up!!