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With these square format one panel pages I really enjoy trying to fit them into a sort of continuous composition or floating vignettes. 

This comic is basically the exact inverse of Spicy Elixir, which was all about leveraging the white expanse of a snowy mountainscape, showing the horizon or ground only with treeline or cast shadow.

I really like the effect of page 10 with those weird wiggly Metroid mushrooms being both positive and negative space because it has the same effect.

I love how hentai manga artists are inventive in terms of showing physicality with all kinds of compositions, like the xray/cross section panels, or punctuating the imagery with onomatopoeia (written sound fx) to describe the action.  See this panel from Shiwau no Okina's "Sei So Tsui Dan Sha" 

However, sometimes it feels like it makes it a little hokey or cold/distant, especially if you're trying to emphasize the relationship between two characters visually, so with my comics I've been trying to incorporate that by using background elements that convey the same effect in the abstract, perhaps even subliminally. Like with these gusts of wind in the background that visually smoosh the characters together and try to show cumming/thrusting too.

Hope that wasn't too much art gobbledygook or highfalutin doubletalk. I really want to try to just make my thought process clear and simple as possible.

I made it through a fine arts program in art school and I have a tendency to take myself too seriously, which is why I draw porn, because it removes me from that part of my brain and gives me a creative outlet that just lets me create without the nagging thoughts of "is this clever enough?" "is this perfect?". 

It doesn't really separate me from the part of my brain that is overly verbose and writes run-on sentences though, so I'm going to wrap this up here. 

If you're an artist, I highly recommend finding a way to think about your work that lets you make it with a smile on your face rather than a grimace. You're an artist when you're making, not when you're agonizing over what you COULD make, so give yourself every advantage and put yourself in a place where sloppy lines don't matter and you can just be. 

Later on you can fix your "mistakes" or do what I do and just say fuck it, I don't have time to fix Zelda's hand and draw individual snowflakes, I want to draw Samus masturbating with a missile! 😅 

Happy drawing,




Christopher French

Action lines or the direction of the pose in the "shot" of each panel can imply a lot of motion. I never got confused with Spicy Elixir's action.


I definitely enjoy the more abstract approach to it! I like a lot of the tricks hentai artists use to make the composition of the pages more fun and interesting, though the x-rays never really did anything for me personally :P


It was amazing and i'd like to see you talking MORE about creative process.


are you taking apprentices or assistants?


I'm glad to hear that, because that's one of my favorite things to fuss over, haha!


Yep, they all definitely have their utility and their place and I have been super influenced by hentai art, no doubt, but some things I prefer to let them do unless I have a really good reason.


I'm glad to hear it, I shall definitely continue to talk about this stuff, then. Thanks Joao!


You know, I honestly hadn't considered it up until you just said so. I take it you would be interested if so? If you don't mind me asking, I'm curiouswhy you're interested, or what sort of experience you hope to get from an apprenticeship? If I did it I'd want to make sure that it's very beneficial for both parties!


context and structure regarding this subject matter i guess. i feel like i fit in that category of taking my art too seriously too


I gotcha. I'll let you know if I decide to do anything like that, but in the meantime if you have any specific questions I would be very happy to help. I was thinking of maybe writing a little guide on how I've gotten over perfectionism in small ways that might help too!


This was super inspirational. No matter how many times I hear it, I always welcome more messages of “have fun and don’t sweat the small stuff” when it comes to art! Especially when it comes from such a sincere place :’)


I believe it's super necessary, maybe not for all personalities, but for someone like me I need to be constantly reminded: the important thing is to make things, not to make perfect things.


I really enjoyed reading about your process, it was really insightful. Thank you for sharing!