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Finally October is upon us! September was far too long. This will probably seem a little sketchier than the usual pinup because it will be a part of the larger Zelda x Link mini comic which I'm calling Spicy Elixer!

For those that haven't played the game, drinking Spicy Elixer makes you immune to cold, which is a convenient conceit for when ya boy Winton wants to draw short hair Zelda in a winter coat really, really badly.

In case you're curious, I've been looking for an opportunity to develop a slightly less refined comic style that would make mini comics easier to pull off. I'm really pleased with how Space Express looks, but it's time consuming and sometimes I just want to make something on impulse and not have it take months.

Thank you all for the support, I'm extremely grateful and I hope you love the comic when it's finished!





Dude, don't be hesitant to drop studies with break downs on us from time to time. Pin ups between chapters that let you experiment with style refinements. Better yet collaborate with some one unexpected on cyoa with backer OCs.


Thanks for the suggestions, man these are all really cool ideas! I know behind the scenes stuff is something I could easily share more with all of you rather than waiting until the end of the month to dump it all in a Dropbox folder. I don't know I'll be able to make it quantity wise, but I'm curious, how many posts per week do you like to see from the artists you support?


Ideally two at minimum three if by strength. A Monday Wednesday Friday schedule would be neat if you have enough runway stored up. For example on Monday you could drop notes/ scripts about the Stardust and Chrome universe or whatever alt project going on. On Wednesday you could release a page or the Gumroad sales notice. Friday is strictly studies, lottery pinups, collaborations & blogging.


I hear ya. I would love to have a runway of stored comic pages. That's definitely the dream scenario. A consistent page release day, even if it's only every other Wednesday for now could be feasible, and a Friday sketch day would be a lot of fun. Thanks for the good ideas, I really appreciate this kind of patron feedback. It's always support valuable!


Is it still a pinup if someone is eating titty? Edit: Hit enter too soon. I love the style of this so if you were to make more like it, go for it.


That's a very difficult philosophical question...I think a pinup can have more than one person, but eating titty...I might have broken the rules. Also, big thanks for the encouragement! I look around at other peoples' work and it's always so refined, I was a little hesitant to try something so rough and sketchy, but as long as folks will still enjoy it, it seems like a win-win: I can make more, faster and people can get more regular updates!

Christopher French

Joined solely to get updates on this comic and see your lovely work so far :)