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Happy July everyone! 🎆 Let’s dive right into the report so I can let you get on with your weekends🍹 How did we do?
Sound Effect for Flavor  

⏹️ Libby & Holly Ch3:24-28 

⏹️ itch.io Art Archives (Optional)

✅CYOA Pt 13

1/3 OOF 😩
Reviewing the goals from last month it’s a clear miss on the Libby & Holly pages. I knew even as I was working on the Medusa pieces that I was eroding my ability to complete the pages I wanted with every passing minute, but… I did it anyway. 😔

I don’t want to ignore our ✨Sacred 🔗Bond of Trust✨that I’ll at least try my best to meet the goals I set out. I know you all support me making my work but, I would be remiss if I didn't acknowledge that I totally threw my priorities out the window on a snake-haired, Greek whim.

Thank you💕 for supporting me even when I get distracted by shiny objects like medusa illustrations 😊

Early on in the month I got my thumbnails and writing done for the new Libby & Holly pages, including a little bit further than this month’s plans just because I was having a good time figuring it out!

I hit a small mental block because I could figure out how to solve page 25 in a way that satisfied me and that tiiiiiny roadblock stalled my progress for the whole month. It only takes the smallest obstacle sometimes. 😔 Libby was left in a purgatory of pleasure after page 24 all through the month.

While my creative energy was dammed up over the comic it started to spill over into other things. My sketchbook was a busier place this month and I made more one off pieces that I still like a lot.

When I realized how much fun I had with the gorgon color palette, I kept playing with it in my sketchbook.

Some of this stuff is so fresh I haven't even shared it yet! 😅Oopsie

I even did some Aster drawings I forgot to post! I'm so forgetful this month sorry everyone😰

No progress on the⏹️(Optional) itch.io Archives because I got sidetracked by starting to build out my library on the Amazon kindle store, starting with Fitting for a Lady. It’s a little slow to reformat the books for the platform and it also requires an approval process to start publishing.📕https://a.co/d/0fnuYuCV ✨

After crossing the threshold, I celebrated with a pinup of Prudence and Eileen😊And look, some kind soul even gave me a 5⭐ Review to start things off🥹

I got onto the ✅CYOA Pt 13 Update a little later than I hoped I would but it DID get done before the month’s end. 

Our heroes got new clothes.

They took a walk.

And face a difficult new decision.

I’m excited by how split the poll is this time, it makes me feel like I’ve provided tantalizing options and “the party” is having difficulty deciding 😂

Once the CYOA got out of the way it was back to Libby & Holly and getting a roughs done. Here's a few highlights

My 🏖️July Goals🏖️:

⏹️Libby & Holly Ch3:26-30 

⏹️CYOA Pt 14

⏹️ Theme/pinup poll - I’ve been wanting to return to this and have a little bit more variety and direction for art I’m making in my spare time, but my focus will still be on the comic and CYOA.

I’m going to leave new store/itchio goals off this list for now because I just keep missing them and I feel like I’m kidding myself. I’m not giving up on them but they won’t be top priority this month and I’ll add them back in when there’s my room in my schedule.

I hope you all found some fun ways to celebrate Pride Month! 🌈 The world’s a pretty grim place right now, and while I know making silly comics doesn’t really solve anything, I hope it can at least bring a little joy to your day to day.

GIGANTIC THANK YOU for supporting my work this month, especially after a disappointing June. You’re all lovely people and I’m so grateful. 

I’ve got fun plans for the upcoming months that I’m going to start sharing as they get a little further along too, so stay tuned!

💗 Winton




That link is so discreet, I almost complained you didn't post the link to the amazon store


Hehe I appreciate that you would hold me accountable to that 😂 But you're right, my eyes kinda go right past it too 🫥


I know that you didn't get everything done this month, but I want to congratulate you again on the beautiful and cute pieces you did make! Been loving the sketches


Thanks buddy, I'm pleased with the work that DID get done, at least :) that's definitely a positive