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Sometimes you set out to just do a simple thing and you just get carried away.

My idea was that after finishing my Libby & Holly thumbnails (See second image! I'm trying to work ahead of my quota for the month) that I would let myself do something easy and simple, like drawing medusa because she was a lot of fun last year.

And then I thought it would be fun as a kind of vertical spread, something poster-y right? And then I had to go and get all kinds of big ideas about how there could be a lot of intertwined sculptures all reaching and touching and in various stages of decay and they would all frame medusa and it could be like a print or something.

And now here we are. I'ma keep chipping away at this (pun intended) as the month goes on and hopefully it will not impede progress on comics or cyoa. 🙏 Beg forgiveness.
I think this would be a good one to do a trans medusa alt with as well.

