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Hello everyone and welcome to the May Report! Please have a seat and don't mind the activity outside the window, just some routine tree trimming. 🪚


 Libby & Holly Ch3:20-23 
⏹️CYOA Pt 13
⏹️ itch.io Art Archives

As you probably noticed, not a great month for goals. I knew the itchio store update was a long shot going into it but I'm disappointed I didn't get to the CYOA project this month.

May was a bit truncated because of how late my April report came in. 😬 After completing the CYOA around the 5th, I switched back to doing some sketching and Libby & Holly thumbnails and roughs.

These recent pages took longer because there's more dialog in them.

Dialog always slows me down because I'm usually revising dialog as I go, because I get new ideas or want to change the speech bubble layout.

That said, I ended up a little bit ahead of where I expected in terms of roughs! (up to page 24) and just completed page 23, which was my goal for the month.

When I wasn't working on the comic pages I was mostly sketching Libby & Holly related things anyways.


Limiting my toolset of brushes for the month was a fun restriction but I didn’t get to explore it very thoroughly so I plan on continuing with it a bit as I go forward into June.

May totally falling to pieces schedule wise was definitely my fault. Client work deadlines all piled up right at the end of the month and it totally destroyed my output. It was really just poor planning and I allowed it to erode my good comic drawing habits too :(

As insurance against future interruptions I turned down some client work in the next couple months that I’m hoping will make my schedule more stable.

Since I didn't have as much other new stuff to show this month I've uploaded some work in progress color pages that are in the pipeline to getting finished! :)

Here are my 🏖️ June Goals:
⏹️ Libby & Holly Ch3:24-28 Five pages this month!! My comics usually end up around 30 pages but I think the natural place for this one to end is more at like 38ish, so I'm moving forward with that expectation.

⏹️CYOA Pt 13 -- More Paier! ❤️‍🔥

⏹️ itch.io Art Archives (Optional)

Thank you all for supporting and sticking with me on these lower output months💖 I can feel myself getting to the end of a lot of the projects that have been dragging on my schedule for the past few months and I'm soo excited to open up to doing more fanart again.





The arborist gals are so cute! Love some blue collar ladies!


I didn't know what I was going to do for this month's update and then my neighbor's tree trimmers showed up just in time to give me some inspiration 😌 And now I wanna draw arborist gals more too :p


Your dialogue and writing is actually a big reason why I'm subscribed. It's what sets you apart from a lot of other artists - ESPECIALLY adult artists.


Thank you so much Bastiaan🥹 this means a lot because in a way I think I've almost been practicing writing more than drawing this past year! It's just felt like the biggest, loudest weakness in my work in a while and I'm very gratified to hear that the work is paying off. So seriously thank you ❤️❤️❤️❤️