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I struggled with the Paier design because I have no skill in drawing cute furries, basically. My thought process is who knows how long she's been imprisoned in her gaseous fire demon form so she should probably come back looking a little tired. But ultimately soft and cute. So what stared as just bags under her eyes ended up being some clownish makeup that I think does something for her having a bit of edge rather than a pure soft cutie.

I spent some time yesterday on the thumbnails for the next 4 pages and I thiiiiink I've got them figured out finally. It took a long time because I ended up jumping back and forth between writing my script/dialog and laying out panels.

There's a certain point in this process when I could feel my brain rebelling, calling out for some social media distraction or anything at all but I stuck it through and kept tinkering with it until finally something coherent came out of it.

Hope you're having a lovely Monday!





I only just realized Paier is “pyre” 🔥


I was initially going to go with just Pyre but then I thought, it's not fantasy enough!! Also it was the title of a Supergiant game and I couldn't stop thinking of it every time I typed it :p