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Hey everyone,

I must apologize once again for my absence. I’ve been obsessing over this TF animation to the point where I’m just building and scrapping different versions over and over. I really want it to be perfect.

In the mean time, I’ve been working on a smattering of things and finally got a fun little POV animation together. It’s an update on an older one I did.

That’s rendering now and should be done tomorrow. And then I have another hyena-based one also queued up.

Thank you everyone who stuck around — although I don’t blame anyone who left. I was doing much more consistent posting with simpler, shorter form sruff. Once the complexity shot up, my posting schedule became fairly erratic. I’ve even been considering shutting off my Patreon just to not feel so much pressure to deliver weekly content. I’ll need to do some thinking about that.

Either way, it’d wait til this confounded TF animation is done, so I can give everyone who stuck around one more super cool earlybird video! Once that’s done, I’ll see how I feel.

Whatever happens, I really wanna thank you all for your patience and support!



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