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Sooo good news/bad news.

Bad news: I decided I needed more time on and a beak from the tiger animation. As decent as the fur looked in stills, seeing it in motion in the final render was just noooot great. Basically, realtime renderers try their best to guess where to put ambient occlusion (for example, that darkness you see in the corner of a room or a deep crevice). Looks good standing still, but when you move, the placement changes, so it looks like the fur is just constantly changing tone, based on where the camera is. Notttt great :( Back to the lab with that one.

Good news: I used my time away from the tiger animation to make another animation entirely! Because I hate letting more than a week go by without posting on here! Sooo... surprise! I was gonna post some WIPS of this, but decided to keep it quiet because the last few times, it felt like every time I posted a WIP, the entire project would go sideways, somehow :P

More good news: I've thought up a way to post more frequently while still doing longer-form animations! I'm gonna post a loop like this one the first week, and then use the second week to lengthen it and add stuff to it. This way, you get a s3xy looping GIF the first week, and then an extended edition of the same animation the second week. Because that werewolf knot NEEDS to tie the bunny sometime ;3 And I'm keeping these first-edition loops Patreon-exclusive as thanks for all of your support! Twitter and others will get the finished animation a week after I post it here.

So anyway... here's WereZig plowing a bunny in the forest. Next week: WereZig knotting the bunny. Maybe with some added effects. I kinda wanna try giving him steamy werewolf breath.

Again, thank you all SO, SO much for being patient with the slow posting while I figured this stuff out. Animation is a way longer-form thing than still renders, and sometimes halfway into one (or more than half way, in this case), I just decide it's not working the way I envisioned it.

Also happy Xmas to those of you who celebrate!




super j'adore