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Hey everyone! Small change of plans. Some inspiration hit this morning, and I decided to reshoot my TF video. I had the footage shot and tracked (camera tracking, so I can place 3D objects into the scene), but I came up with a much better idea!

Starting tomorrow, we're going to be spending 5 days on a tiny island in the middle of a huge lake, in the middle of nowhere, Maine... so what better place to shoot a werewolf TF video than in the middle of a spooky forest, at night? >.> 

I'll still be pausing payments for the month of September, but I'll spend some time working on that video, so I can have that done for you lovely patrons once I get back from the island.

Apologies for the delay, but this is gonna be soooooo much cooler than my original idea of just FTing in my bedroom. I'll post the raw video once I'm back, and then post updates as I work on the VFX portion of it. I'll keep all this behind the scenes stuff exclusive to Patreon as thanks for your support! Very, very excited for this!


Some clarification on the payment pausing thing: You will not be charged for next month. Those of you who signed up for the 1 year membership, you'll get a free month tacked on to the end of the year. You don't need to do anything or change anything. Payments will resume in October.



Sounds good! Enjoy your vacation and be safe.


Super une vidéo avec un loup-garou j'adore, et passe de bonnes vacances