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[EDIT FOR CLARITY: I will keep this Patreon page up for another month, with payments paused do it doesn’t charge anyone, and then I will be shutting down and deleting this whole thing. I may start up another Patreon in the future or just use Twitch’s Subs system instead.]

Heya Patrons! Boy, it's been a while, huh?

But I haven't just been sitting around. I took some time to rethink how I want to approach my creative work. Creating weekly art was really beginning to feel like a job. It started out as a fun thing. Normal people played videogames after work, and I made art. But with Patreon and feeling like I owe you awesome supporters consistent art output really weighed on me. I felt the same crushing deadlines I do every day at work, and that's when I knew this wasn't the way forward.

So I am closing that chapter of my life. I will still make art. I have to. The need to express myself is a part of me. But it'll be on my own time. Fortunately, I have created a really fun outlet that I can use to continue interacting and hanging out with all of you, and hopefully many more folks to boot!

It's called Hang Out With Ziggy! It will be a weekly (maybe twice weekly -- I still need to nail down the schedule) stream. What will we be doing? Who knows! Playing videogames, watching me animate, answering questions, discussing things, watching YouTube together. Just sort of whatever. Freeform. Because I couldn't settle on just streaming one thing forever. I will announce the topic ahead of time, so you can decide whether to drop in or not. Check out the above video for a little intro, and visit HangOutWithZiggy.com for more info, my Twitch channel, etc.

I will leave this Patreon up (paused, so it doesn't charge you anything) til the end of June, so folks have a chance to see this message.

But I also hope to see you dropping by my streams! I never really succeeded in building a community around this Patreon -- in terms of working with y'all, interacting more, etc. But I think this Twitch channel will be a much better way of doing so... since it's literally just me interacting with y'all for 4-6 hours every week.

Lastly, I want to once again thank each and every single one of you for your support and kindness. Y'all are truly superstars and most importantly friendos :3

See you Thursday (8pm-11ish Eastern)






So Patreon is gonna go towards this show you’re doing rather than art specifically? Doing more variety stuff than just one thing


No, I’m turning Patreon off entirely. I don’t want to subscribe people for something they didn’t subscribe for, so I don’t feel right pivoting my content here. This Patreon will shut down in one month’s time. I may create an entirely separate one or just use Twitch and their subs system instead.


Will your discord still be active then? In terms of a different type of hangout place and place to let people get updates. Like using it as a bulletin board

Brian Valencia

If you're going to be shutting down this patreon, will you be re-uploading the artwork or providing a archival download?


No, unfortunately not. Being perfectly honest, it's just far too much work to put that together at this time. Patreon doesn't include an archival feature, as far as I'm aware, and manually assembling everything, especially multiple tiers would be a massive task that I just don't think I will have time for.


What I did do is create a massive playlist of all of my animations, though. Because the video hosting site I use actually makes that part easy: https://sproutvideo.com/playlists/0a9ddfb11a1b87


Oh also, you can view most of my posts on my telegram channel. That's staying up indefinitely: https://t.me/zigs_art_stuff


Yes and no. I'll be shutting down the old discord and starting up a new one, specifically for "Hang Out With Ziggy". I haven't tackled that piece yet, but I'll be doing that in the upcoming week or so and posting updates on here, so folks can join ^.^


Also in the mean time, check out my Telegram channel: https://t.me/zigs_art_stuff That's staying up indefinitely and has all of my art + updates no matter what. But yeah, the new Discord is also forthcoming!

Ryan Warunek

HOLD UP! You're gonna drop this bomb on us and the first game you're going to play is "Enter The Matrix" an absolute favorite from my childhood that I thought was completely lost to time. Count me in!!

Ryan Warunek

I like the sound of that. I really really REALLY enjoy your videos and clips and general art all together


That game and I have... a history. Which I will discuss at length while playing tomorrow XD It's a whole thing. So I'm glad someone else remembers it!And yeah, sorry for just dropping the whole bomb at once, but I'm just really bad about announcing something and not delivering on time. So my new method has been to keep totally silent til it's done and ready. But the fun part is that I am 99.999% likely to be working on a huge secret project at any given time. And as soon as it's ready, I am bursting at the seams to talk about it because keeping these things under wraps is TOUGH XD I want to shaaaare with everyoune!!!