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Hi Gang,

with CoriusCOn coming up and deciding to play the Ash Waste Enforcers for the campaign, I needed to get a few more cops built.
I present to you:
Erika "reckless" Krüger
Patrolwoman AW/07

You might guess who is who...

Bits on Erika are:
- Subjegator legs
- bionic leg and head are from the Repentia Kit
- torso from the ironhead squats
- arms from the kill team Breachers
- right plasma pistol is from the Blooded Kill Team, left one from some mechanicus dude.
- Equipment on the back from the Scout Landspeeder.

- All from the enforcer Kit exept the head, which I think is from a Stormcast Eternal?
and a fancy backpack from the Blooded Kill Team.
The autogunn is once more convertet from the Enforcer Sniper Rifle.

Hope you like them!
Can't wait to see them in action!

Thank you for your support!



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