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Hi Gang,

I thought I'll start a little tradition with posting a fresh hot WIP every wednesday from now on. (At least I'll try)

Let's start with my converted Ridge Runner I built quite a while ago.
With my first ever Necromunda Campaign comming up, it was about time to get some paint on the bad boy. House Cawdor needs a ride.

For colors:
I painted the whole thing with my go-to rust receipe, threw on a layer of hairspray followed by German Cam. Dark Green for the shadows, Field Grey as midtone and a mix of Field Grey and Pastel Green for the highlights. (all Vallejo MC) followed by chipping.

He also comes with a juicy Mining Laser for probably later in the Camapaign.
All weapons are magnetised. Unfortunately I managed to drop one of the heavy stubbers while painting and even though I did spend half an hour searching for it it's lost in the warp I guess..... sucks.

Anyway, hope you like him!
I might try some oil paints for the first time, will keep you posted how this goes and if I mess it up ;-)

What are you currently working on?
Let me know in the comments.

Have a great evening and thank you for your support,



jake ripley

Looks so cool! I'm working on my wyrmblade killteam still, taking a long time 😅

Paul Johnson

I don’t like it, I LOVE IT! 👍🏼