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Hi Gang,

a not so small update on my Cawdor Gang "Bringers of the alternative Truth.":
I added 4 Way Brethren on Ridge Runner just released by GW.
I have to say I like the basic idea of walkers for House Cawdor matching the low equipped character and almost medievel vibes with walking beeing literally the oldest form of getting around for humankind.

But the design had some flaws for me: everything looked to rounded and almost aero dynamic, which for me doesn't fit the vibe of Cawdor.
In addition the legs look pretty beaten up and scavanged together from all sorts of bits, while the main body almost look like new.

So I tried to come up with ideas on how to "fix" the design to match my idea of House Cawdor: Basicly a mix of trash and gothic, ecclesiarchy matching elements.

In the end I baught a Penitent Engines kit from the Sisters of battle and tried to fuse the two kits together. In addition I cut a few strips of plasticard, threw in some bits from the normal Cawdor gang kit, made some rivets from green stuff and threw it all into the mix.
I clipped away all the weird rounded armor panels on the legs, removed the headlights and replaced them with candles, or skulls and used some, more grim dark, heads from the forgeworld upgrade kit.

And Cawdor being Cawdor I simply had to make one guy charging with his exploding frag lance Mad Max style.
The legs I used for this guy are from the Corvus-Cabale kit.

So far I am quite happy with these guys. Will let them sit for a while and then have a second look.

Hope you like them too!

Chaars and as always:
Thank you so much for your support!





Way better than the stock models!!! Can't wait to see them painted up!!! 👏👏👏