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Hi Gang,

I'm happy to say that I finally managed to find some time and start building an Ash Wastes Nomads gang. Was a huge fan of the models right from the start, and I guess it would be a shame to have an Ash Wastes board, but no Nomads gang.
So jeah, here we go I guess. They are all converted to a certain degree, because I simply have to..., and most of them are magnetised since i'm not sure yet how tu run them in the game. I will also probably order the bugs soon and build some of these aswell and maybe try to convert one of them to the storm caller guy. 

Not entirely sure how I'm going to paint them, but i'm thinking about a dark scheme with rusty bits and strange looking plastic tubing instead of metal.

As soon as I'm happy enough with a scheme I will put up a nice tutorial for sure :-)

Take care and as always:
Thank you for your support!




They look great!! And the bases to!! A post (not necessarely a PDF) were you talk about your ideas and process for converting your models would be great!!


Thankk you! Also for the input. That helps a lot. Will def. write something up :-)