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Hi Gang,

I startet a new, fun project to get a break from painting up all those Cawdor boys and girls:
A Kroot Bounty Hunter,
roaming the Necromunda Ash Wastes to hunt down his pray.

The model is from the "Into the Dark" Kill Team box and I kept the conversion to a minimum since he already looks very wastes ready with all the robes and his mask.
I simply changed his Kroot rifle for a long rifle from the Cawdor weapon upgrade kit and glued on some chopped off hands on the back.

I will paint him and his pet in a slightly different color scheme than GW does, since I think green skin should be reserved for orks. I think Kroot look way more menacing with a skin tones closer to humans.

I will keep posting updates and might do a tutorial on the skin if you are interested.





Sorry for the dealy, the colors I used: - Germ. Cam. Black Brown - Cavalry Brown - Red Leather - Beige Red - Medium Grey - Silver grey All Vallejo. Started working on a proper tutorial though ;-)


thank you very much, your models and the use of colors are very inspiring