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William. C

I love that no matter how old she gets, the love the members have for Tzuyu will never disappear. It's just so wholesome. Seeing Tzuyu smile whenever she receives affection always makes my day better. She will always be their precious maknae. They did see her grow up from: teenager to now, so it makes sense.

Natzu date is so precious 💖 their date was bound to be awkward but it was so cute how they handled the conversation Them talking about their friendship is so endearing to me, twice really are like a family


the 1on1 dates definitely increased after this series (like we see a lot of DaTzu, JeongHyo, NaMo & SaMo) but I still feel like whenever they’re seen out in public it’s always at least 3 lol like NaMoSaTzu have been spotted a few times eating hot pot together, and JeongJiTzu just went on vacation together


omg yes! I love this series because it really just is a series about how much Twice loves each other, even after all this time—especially their baby maknae 😭🫶 Also I think Tzuyu speaking slowly and taking the time to think before answering isn’t necessarily because she’s still translating? I’ve only ever spoken English my whole life but when I get asked a question there are always a few seconds of silence where I’m really thinking about how to answer, instead of just saying whatever comes to mind first, so I relate to Tzuyu a lot on that front

Time To Tzuyu

I agree! Tzuyu is very intentional when she speaks (and jokes lol). I think also based on her past, she wants to be clear when she talks to avoid miscommunication. Tzuyu is the best maknae! 💙


the momo and jihyo ep is so awkward that it’s funny im excited for you to watch it

aurore meyer

Tzuyu is like twice’s baby that’s so cute and touching !

The Lazy Ass Gamer

One of the reasons Tzuyu takes time to answer is because of what happened a few years back with the Taiwanese flag incident. I think you've already noticed as well going back thru TWICE's journey from Sixteen, Elegant Private Life and the earlier Twice TV's, Tzuyu is more talkative and blunt during those shows.... but after the flag incident *late 2016* , she became much more careful in what she says and that where you catch her thinking before saying anything. That really hit her hard i think.


maybe tzuyu like that taking time to answer and careful to her words because of the flag incident happened..


my bias line🥹💗 madmakz (matnae & maknae)