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This week: OOTD Weekly Idol

Happy 7th Anniversary Dreamcatcher!!!!! 

Link to the Dropbox folder is in the Tier 2 Password Post! If you have trouble finding the post, try looking up the Tier 2 password tag!



I’ve permanently fallen down the black hole that is Dreamcatcher. Help 💀


i'm not gonna lie. i had similar experience recently as Dami with the water bottle. i was at lunch and was putting food in my mouth when told we were taking a group photo. of course, my first thought was just drop the food from my mouth that was halfway in. it got a good laugh out of everyone. lmao


Today was Yoohyeon "I throw my members under the bus" day. 🤣 First Dami with the water bottle, then Handong with the jump rope, Dami again with the chicken piece and lastly Kim "Overspending" Jiu. I loved how warm the members interacted with Heebap. I also absolutely agree with Kess, DC seems to be at a fairly comfortable mid-tier position. They can make a living being idols, see the world and have plenty of fans, but they also don't get mobbed when leaving the house and don't have to fear that every word they say ends up on some tabloid.