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Yeah I think Simon himself realized that he had gone too far with the competitiveness and I'm glad he course corrected. It's interesting to see his growth here as a trainer because I'm sure that whatever mistakes were made here are not going to be repeated for future trainees. This documentary is interesting on many levels because it's like a case study that will help future trainees at XGALX

Shao Lin

I think this is the most times I've heard God is a Woman lol


we've had so many companies and CEOS or whatever treat their idols poorly that I think we are all still wary of Simon and his intentions but the more you watch this and other content of behind-the-scenes with XG, the more you see that he really his treating the girls as his legacy. i don't know if he is with them as often as before but in a lot of their first earliest performances he was always with them in the crowd and going with them place to place while out doing touristy things. i think it is a difficult thing to train a bunch of prospective idols, especially when they all start so young, you want them to want it enough to compete but also be compassionate and good people, you don't want them to just give up their spots for their friends but still care enough about them. it was a learning curve for him and the girls and the fact he was willing to document his own learning curve shows his honesty. of course, at this rate with the industry, i still wouldn't be surprised if he is treating XG really well and secretly is a bad man. but at least for now, he has my trust with them.


Totally not relevant to the convo but I bet everyone involved in XG is so tired of that song. Hearing it hundreds of times over a week would drive me nuts.