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November Tier 2 Password: Snowywinter3964

(Password is caps sensitive and it works better if it is typed onto Dropbox instead of copying and pasting)

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Since y’all have now seen this part: This episode is the reason why Yunjin doesn’t make IZ*ONE. Knetizens and voters did NOT like how she acted in order to get the center/main vocal part. With the produce shows, voting for the eliminations would be going all at once but the 1st week of performances got an extra week of “promotion” due to earlier TV airtime. To combat this, all solo cams were released all at once, so people voted for this upcoming round based on performance, not the editing. So you’ll see the impacts of what is seen behind the performances in the ranking following this next one.


Unrelated, LOVE that y’all have decided to switch on over to YouTube for the performances. Such better quality.


Tier 2 reaction suggestion. Arem ( RQ ) latest short vlogs exploring Korea.