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2023-11-17 06:48:01 Funny you mentioned about idols listening to music, because the reason why Lia played a lot of american music is because she hardly listens to Kpop as much as the others. Fans joke about how she probably only knows Itzy songs in Kpop. And we know Chaeryeong listens mostly to girl group songs.
2023-11-17 06:46:38 Funny you mentioned about idols listening to music, because the reason why Lia played a lot of american music is because she hardly listens to Kpop AS MUCH as the others. Fans joke about how she probably only knows Itzy songs in Kpop. And we know Chaeryeong listens mostly to girl group songs.

Funny you mentioned about idols listening to music, because the reason why Lia played a lot of american music is because she hardly listens to Kpop AS MUCH as the others. Fans joke about how she probably only knows Itzy songs in Kpop. And we know Chaeryeong listens mostly to girl group songs.


When they all started singing the song at the end after dinner.. my heart 🥹 one of the many reasons why i love this group so much


It's like yall said before, JYP is really good at nurturing talent. They put importance on their idols learning other languages to be able to communicate with their fans. 🥰 They consistently have language classes along with their dance practice and singing lessons.

James Palermo

Horangi is tiger. The meat in carbonara is pancetta. Whole wheat pasta is the worst.


You're right when talking about Ryujin saying the word "play". "놀다" (nolda) = "play" but in Korean the word can mean both "play" and "hang out" (or similar expressions in English) depending on the context :)


ITZY always gets a heart... Thank You. I appreciate you sharing..


This is false. Lia knows a lot of Korean songs and KPOP songs. She listens to all genres of music. She doesn't learn the choreo for popular songs but she does listen and often sings the song while the other members dance.


They were singing a Korean jingle for the Post version of "Frosted flakes" that says is SUPERIOR to the "TIGER" version which is the Kellogs version. So that is why you heard them say "tiger"


Pizza here is Koreanized. There are all kinds of weird toppings, including CORN, sweat potatos, and shrimp and various toppings you could never imagine. PLUS almost all places do NOT have a "Build your own option" so they didn't build that pizza, that was a pre configured menu choice. Have a look here: https://www.pizzahut.co.kr/menu/pizza/best

Ryujin's 🤍

@ Incheonguy , You're debunking other's comment too fast. Of course she knows a lot of Korean songs but she mostly listen to Western/American pop songs than Korean. Lia said it herself on one of her vlives/ig live, idk where exactly. Plus, as what's said on the comment, it's an inside joke in the fandom 😏 Why you gotta say it's false like it's an insult.


She doesn't "Mostly listen to western american pop" she did not say that she MOSTLY listens do it. She said she LIKES to listen to it. It is false to say she hardlly listents to kpop as much as the others. She actually knows more songs. She was the one consistently recommending songs to fans on bubble. It's not an inside joke in the fandom, unless you think the English speaking fans represent the ENTIRE fandom. I hope not because ITZY has more non English speaking fans than English speaking fans.

Sacha Robert

Hearing American talking about pizza as an european feels so funny because when i went to the US the pizza there feel so different from back home ( i know that they are still really good pizza place and traditional place in the us but just the one that i saw ) but i guess we can all agree that the korean ( and asian one in general ) are the most weird


The original carbonara is made with guanciale (pork cheek), but many Italians use pancetta because it's easier to find and faster to cook. This is still the best carbonara I've seen made in Korea


seeing all the opinion about pizza as an Brazilian is so funny to me, we go wild here in São Paulo, the topping in Korea is like “normal” in my eyes, that’s interesting

Tim - whatfreshheck

lol I remember being *so* mad that Ryujin didn't save her pasta water for the carbonara the first time I saw this.