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Loved these episodes as an ending for the season. I forgot how big of a role fishing played this trip :D Looking forward to the next season! It's been a few years, but I remember it as my favourite one so far


yayyy season 3 time one of the funniest seasons for me😭

Cassandra J.

season 3 is my personal favorite, so glad you are continuing to watch and support RV


Yaass, manifest that US tour!


you might be interested to know that Irene and Wendy still live together. And on the subject of irene sounding monotone (i also really love it) it's not really her fault when she was a trainee she was overly concious of her accent and so bascially trained it out of her self (even thought being quiet all the time made other trainees frightened of her).


so they're still together in the dorm or just got a house together and are roommates?


they both live in what was their second dorm which was more likea town house than an actual dorm.


i know everybody is gonna be excited for season 3 (objectivley it's the best) but Thrilling project is gonna be my fave i think Irene & seulgi just have my favourite dynamic.


I would highly recommend the Birthday recording session (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nqK17CvwTs) or any of the recording sessions tbh. You can really see the differences between how they record.


suggestions to break up level up a bit: Queendom Restaurant: Part 1 - https://youtu.be/gqn3Kc_pMdA?si=N6F6HdUdxVBVHYt- Part 2 - https://youtu.be/kvptIdWgrHw?si=A0_qmrIkIw9dWIR_ They play games to rebuild Reve - https://youtu.be/wEvz9-jPnvE?si=4TwpoMS8xp6lHdaj Wendy Lee Mujin Service - https://youtu.be/Fh8dU0SPYyg?si=Td1YPmnUs4GiINCh Welcome to Reve’s Birthday Party - https://youtu.be/DgQ251ulmSU?si=7elcN-h2daIqI8eh


You asked for non-LUP Red Velvet suggestions: - Yeri's Room (a talk show Yeri hosted): For example here with Twice Nayeon as a guest (they are BFFs) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-40gjivVxI&list=PLfkJisPrtVpv-5CeQSbQKc9T_UB3JXuUY


So as per I have begun compiling RV long form content that might interest you. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tG-WaIRyyOH-EYyG9KUGbEOis9QB8cr_Yyfc6RT8Ltc/edit?usp=drivesdk


red velvet comeback :)) pls stream their new album