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competitive red velvet is always so funny😭😭😭


irene and joy are so good at games its always so funny whenever they have to play against each other lmao

Edward Lee

so it might seem random that koreans who used to live in germany came and built this huge village but there's quite of bit of historical significance. After the korean war Germany was one of the first countries that koreans immigrated to and a lot did bc a) korea was a poverty stricken, war ravaged, 3rd world country and b) Germany was well into rebuilding after WW2 so there were tons of jobs as miners and dispatched nurses (very similar to the dispatched Phillipino nurses in the states now). Theres a HUGE korean population in germany

Edward Lee

and whats SUPER interesting....the nurse, you can tell that she lived abroad for quite some time bc of her accent. She doesn't sound like a foreigner who learned korean but rather a korean who's pronunciation has been slightly altered over time