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Taengkomo 309

I'm here to preach my leader Bae, she might seem to tease Wendy about the walking, but did you realize it was something Wendy said probably months before they went to Thailand but Irene remember??? The tentative leader 🤗 actually through these shows you can see how Irene didn't really show it on your face but she's listening to everything. Anyway it will be more fun going forward so i'm looking forward for the next episodes


yeah all that in one day wouldn’t be possible for me!! it’s insane!! Also SM reality shows are always so fun to watch just know each season gets better💕💕

Robert McAlister

Just wait, next few are amazing as well.

Regel Matilla

And yes Mother Wenesa definitely meant as Mother Theresa. Really don’t know another idol like Wendy. For her birthday, normally fans held a cafe for Wendy but she actually made a birthday cafe for the fans. There’s a video of it when it dropped on her birthday