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So many comments but let’s clarify this. 1) there is no any sub context in their romantic relationships, no scene where they have shown sexual tensions between them, one person literally hated the other for 7 episodes straight😂 so how can you say that writers intended it? It’s just people like you who loves shipping straight people and making them gay in your head 2) shipping them means ignoring one of the main plot lines of the show which is “love(or rainbow)” between two main characters that is so beautiful and inspiring 3) and I’m sorry but even though they did not say about their sexuality, plot of the series shows that they are both in love with each other, and it annoys me that instead of pointing out creative directing decisions, editing style, main characters’ chemistry, acting of Kim taeri and Nam joohyuk, storyline, fencing games, all I hear is shipping between two character which is not part of the show 4) reality is that you exploited this show to earn money. I have paid to watch the show with you hoping to see your perspective on this great show but what I see is shipping, you want the characters to be gay, I get that but reality is that most people are heterosexual and these characters, too. And your argument “don’t assume sexuality” is the most American thing possible😂


Human emotions are inherently complex. How can you be so domineering as to demand others to have the same emotional experiences as you? And may I ask, did they force you to pay for the subscription? Before paying, didn't you do your research to see if this reactor is the type you would enjoy? If you really dislike them, then unsubscribe. I truly don't understand subscribing to a reactor whose values differ from yours, and then getting angry because they don't meet your expectations. Please go subscribe to others instead. Reaction videos are meant to showcase genuine reactions. As a long-time viewer of Kess & Han, I sincerely hope they don't get influenced by people like you and change their reaction style, feeling unable to share their true feelings.


you guys responses to this person that is literally trying to put their own straight agenda everywhere are way too nice , i would block them right away 😂 but i understand that as reasonable and educate people you answering like this is more mature , hope that this type of people don't change your natural and real way to react , you guys are amazing !!!