WE DID IT! (Patreon)
We've reached our next goal in pledges! I'm now extremely close to covering my monthly bills between my two patreon accounts. Y'all have no idea how much this means to me, I never thought I'd be able to get this much support from my art. I honestly don't have words for it.
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU (is the best I can describe it)
With all the shit that happened this last year with my dream job, it truly means the world to me that I can go on with as much of the rest of my life as I can because of you guys. I didn't have to move, sell my house, my truck, or anything. You all are the reason I could keep the rest of my life together, despite losing my dream job. There's no way I can repay you all for this, but dammit I will do my best!!!
We are voting on a few things right now regarding tier slots and stream numbers, but you can expect at least 4 request streams per month from now on as we stay above this goal!