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Poll for Potential Tier/Pricing Options and Update

  • No changes (1 piece per month minimum) 6
  • Change $3 to $5 (2 color pieces per month minimum) 9
  • Change $3 to $10 (3 pieces per month minimum) 26
  • Multiple tiers: $3 = access to only "after" picture, $5 tier = access to "before and after" (example) 4
  • Multiple tiers for a single project: $3 tier = lineart, $5 tier = full colors, $10 = simple animation (example) 3
  • Not willing to pay more than $3 4
  • Other (comment/DM) 1
  • 2024-01-23
  • 53 votes
{'title': 'Poll for Potential Tier/Pricing Options and Update', 'choices': [{'text': 'No changes (1 piece per month minimum)', 'votes': 6}, {'text': 'Change $3 to $5 (2 color pieces per month minimum)', 'votes': 9}, {'text': 'Change $3 to $10 (3 pieces per month minimum)', 'votes': 26}, {'text': 'Multiple tiers: $3 = access to only "after" picture, $5 tier = access to "before and after" (example)', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'Multiple tiers for a single project: $3 tier = lineart, $5 tier = full colors, $10 = simple animation (example)', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Not willing to pay more than $3', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'Other (comment/DM)', 'votes': 1}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 23, 7, 6, 58, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 53}


Hey guys. I'm very lucky to have you all helping me to do what I love and make a living with my art at the moment while my health doesn't allow me to work a normal job. That said, I currently only offer the one $3 tier with the obligation of a single color piece per month. Between December and January I've done triple that each month (Yor part 6 is coming in a few days btw). I definitely want to keep doing larger projects like this, multiple pieces per month, but it's getting hard to justify that to myself given the time and energy it takes up when I could be doing commissions and other projects which help my wallet a lot more. Since April of 2023 I have only had a single month where I only did the bare minimum of one color piece. Otherwise it's been at least 2 if not more full color posts (Inktober not withstanding), which is definitely above and beyond what I've promised for your commitment. And I'd love to keep doing that amount of work each month, but I have to be able to afford doing so.

Also in much more personal news, sometime this spring I am finally going to have surgery in my back to fix the extremely specific and hard-to-find condition I've been dealing with all these years. I don't have a timetable on this yet (there's lots to plan, financially and otherwise) and my doc said I should be able to get back to drawing within a few months but it all depends. There is absolutely no telling how long full recovery is going to be given how much this thing has fucked up my ability to do something as simple as sit in a chair and draw, let alone sit in a chair that is not my own or stand for more than 5 minutes. So even if it's a speedy recovery, I'm likely going to be unable to do drawing on any kind of schedule for a few months no matter what, and I'm going to need to be able to save up a bit to get by for that time. Obviously I will pause all charges during that period and tell you all well in advance before activating payments again.

So here are some options, potentially for February but we'll see. I want to be as up front about all of this as I can, and if you have any ideas for what might work better for y'all, do not hesitate to either comment or DM me. The options below are just suggestions, so if any of this looks wildly unappealing or it gives you an idea for what might be a good way of going about this, please let me know.

Again, I appreciate every blue cent you guys have contributed to me since June 2022. Even if I had a full time job and spent my free time juggling pianos and moving chainsaws I'd still want to be doing this and I have all of you (some of you more than most ;) ) to thank for getting me back into this incredibly silly creative outlet that I had forgotten I loved so much.


btw, for anybody interested, I have what's called Bertolotti's Syndrome. It's an umbrella term to describe when the bottommost vertebrae is congenitally fused to the sacrum in such a way where the transverse processes (the little posts that stick out from your spine that your muscles attach to) rub against the pelvic bones and causes instability and episodes of extreme pain from the ribs to the knees, usually out of nowhere. Statistically around 20% of you also have this in some way but it just doesn't cause a problem (hence why it was so hard to pin down, looking as normal as it does on scans). Hooray for being a statistical anomaly! Now *this* is pain-racing! 🙃



I think a $10 tier is totally fair, not only bc of your personal life but also your output as of late. You’ve been killing it for years, I’ll gladly pay you $10 a month.

The Blue Baron

I really appreciate your support, thanks so much. :) I'm going to wait a few days until I hopefully haver a lot more votes so I know just what people are willing to contribute, but I'm happy to know so many people are cool with that highest priced tier.

Changed This For Privacy

I'm personally willing to pay more, but giving people tier options always seems more fair to me; but I would LOVE you being able to do this full-time

The Blue Baron

I think I'm leaning toward that, like doing 2 pieces per month as the baseline and more ontop of that for a higher tier. :D And thanks so much for your support!