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And there you have it! 31 drawings for 31 days! I'm very, very happy with all of these in this last batch. Each girl gets her time to shine before I go back to doing color pieces. But rest assured, each of these girls will show up again in the future. Did you have a favorite girl, by the end of all of this? And let's all say a fond farewell to the young lady who provided me with the list. That's her in "Horror", but don't worry. It's exactly what she wants. 💀

Done for the month, and I will enjoy my slumber. Though I do have a little surprise planned for Halloween... And speaking of which, enjoy those Halloween parties this weekend! Watch lots of spooktacular movies, drink spooktacular cocktails, drive spooktacularly safe, and all that jazz! Hit me up for any movie recommendations! This is my time of year. I mainline 80's schlock directly into my veins from October 1st-31st. If there isn't some form of werewolf or Dracula or zombie on my TV at any given time during the month, you'll know I've been replaced like in 1982's John Carpenter's The Thing. Or 1978's Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Or 1986's Invaders From Mars.



Ayn Adrasteia Alexandria

Over and done with. And the list is finished too! An excellent job, love. Thank you so much for doing this, and for including me.


Lots of good stuff for October, was a nice thing to have go on especially for folks like myself who don't really celebrate Halloween (outside of obligatory horror movies and shows). Was a fun collection of berry girls too, would love to see them cross paths... maybe on the way to a busted juicer or to somewhere where they can be kept ripe but comfortable. I guess I think I like le turtleneck and the one with her hair up and in a dress myself, but honestly there wasn't a bad berry in the bunch.

The Blue Baron

Thanks so much! Definitely coming back to many of these girls in the future. The girl with her hair tied up in the dress is one of my favorites, she just looks so prim and proper and not deserving of what's happening to her. Not that she has any say in the matter once she signs on the dotted line like they all do.