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Second batch, comin' right up! Now, I have a request for you all. For the last one? Blank? I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. That's the girl who made this list. And she's been very needy about turning into a blueberry. Now that she is one, please give her a piece of your mind. Insult her. Tease her. Touch her. It's what she wants, so why don't we all give it to her? I thank you on her behalf, since her mind has gone bye-bye.

And let me know which ones you like best! Some of my absolute favorites are coming up in the next batch and I caaaan't waaaait. Enjoy, everybody!




Blank, easy peasy. Who doesn't love a berry who is just utterly lost in the sauce... or the juice I suppose? Tho, who can say no to a, erm, perky gal in a sweater either?

The Blue Baron

Ooh, Ms. Blank will like that. She's absolutely dripping with excitement and can't even string a few words into a sentence the way she is now.