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Thanks again for all your support this month, friends! I have a poll/question/potential announcement for this Friday, (the first of September) regarding October, the spookiest and also inkiest month of the year... Stay tuned! Same blueberry time, same blueberry network.

Anyway, I hope y'all enjoy that Princess Zelda is visibly larger in each panel! There are a few pages like this sprinkled throughout the comic to show just how far she has to go before getting to where she can supposedly be fixed. We'll see how that goes. 🫐 Pretty much everybody in the castle is rushing to see their princess rolled down the hallway at some point or another. It's event viewing in Hyrule Castle.

PS: Speaking of event viewing; I know 70's movies don't look too pretty these days, but The Poseidon Adventure from 1972 was so good you guys. Give it a watch if you have the chance. A gritty Gene Hackman leading a struggling group of survivors through a capsized cruise ship with a John Williams score? Doesn't get much better than that, does it. I watched it a week ago and its sense of danger and spectacle are still sticking in my mind. Remaining 70's disaster movie blind spots are: The Towering Inferno, Earthquake, Meteor, The Swarm, and Airport.



Patrick Nightwind (Bender097)

I can’t wait to see this comic! I’m guessing she’s going to be waddling at one point? Either way; fantastic coloring and comic design so far. The movie is also very well done as a whole.^^

The Blue Baron

Thanks! These are just block colors, still gotta test out that watercolor technique. Make it feel like the games to a degree. Can't wait. :D


This is going to be amazing! I can’t wait to see the whole comic!