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  • Animatics_1_(1-6).mp4



Hey friends! So one of the things I'll be posting monthly is at least one part per month of an enormous, absurdly ambitious project I've been chipping away at since 2020 or so. I've had to take time off from it for over a year due to commissions and other Gumroad projects, but it's called... A Fruitful Evening, a 10-ish minute animated short film of Asami from The Legend of Korra turning into a giant blueberry while on a date with Korra, as a surprise for Korra. When it's actually completed it'll have voice acting, sound effects, music, the whole nine yards. This is going to take me years to actually get through (assuming I ever actually do), but figured I'd at least start sharing the plans I have for this. I'm basically teaching myself animation as I go and hoo boy is it rough! But I can't wait, it's so exciting!

The color animation here is just a proof of concept I made, but I have animatics I'll be attaching as a file to these posts. Can y'all let me know in the comments if it works? Patreon likes video to be attached as a Vimeo link, but I'd rather just include the .mp4 file directly. In this one, it doesn't get very far kink wise, it's all just setup for the payoff that will come later... 🫐 But I think you guys are gonna love it. This is the first 6 shots for what will hopefully be around 150 or so when it's all said and done.

Edit: Just because it might not be clear, this is just *another* thing I'll be posting monthly, it's not replacing the one full piece per month or anything.



Gregory Rappaport

Animatic looks good makes me excited for when its finished with voice acting

The Blue Baron

Thanks! I guess the file worked with no problems? I just want to make sure it'll display for everybody easily.

Ayn Adrasteia Alexandria

Hey hon, the attachment worked fine for me on both my smartphone and tablet. I downloaded and played it just fine. The one odd hiccup I had was that on both devices it wouldn't play properly in VLC, appearing as a black screen while supposedly playing. It worked just fine in the native video player, though.

Ayn Adrasteia Alexandria

Wow, this was a long time coming, huh? I remember when you first started working on this project, all the little experimental animations. And then all the time and effort going into these sketches. Now the animatic, which is still every bit as excellent as I remember, is finally seeing the light of day. I'm so excited to see progress resume.