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It's like that restaurant in the Simpsons where it's New Years every day, except only 2 days and they're both in January! Our lovely volunteer is now a giant, juicy, plump blueberry girl, as per her own request. She'd love to know what you think of her, truly. She'll be reading the comments, so don't let her down. What are your plans for this former-redhead? Also, thoughts on this different style than usual? Does it hit for y'all or not so much?

February will likely be a normal pinup with a girl right on the cusp of chewing a particular kind of gum! We'll see! And I'll post more WIP of Gumroad projects as well.



Ayn Adrasteia Alexandria

Absolutely wonderful work, darling. Please try out this style again, and keep experimenting. Love to see you doing new things. Thank you for another tantalising month of fruity goodness.

Patrick Nightwind (Bender097)

For the lass as a massive juice tank: my goodness even as the dress has stretched it looks great on you! I hope you gets some lovely outfits for that new shape; if that's how you want to be for now! Don't me wrong berry or not you are just a precious bean! ;3; Really great Baron! I love the coloring and shape with the style. Your different styles of this and the previous have me loving both xD.